Monday, July 30, 2007

Week Three- Intro to Emotional Intelligence

This class was quite interesting and compacted with alot of information as well. We had a quick briefing on using our laptops and helpful web tools we can use while at Cambridge College. We also began our introduction on what is Emotional Intelligence.
It is very interesting to find that EI has a structured science/ function to it-that it is not emotional jargon. I feel like learning about EI is bringing the world of psychology into the world of business management (which I guess is logical). But the fact that the amount of control you have on your emotions or knowing how to use your emotions can determine your career advancement more than other factors (knowledge, skills) was surprising to me. But this was something I was happy to hear since I am a good detector of emotional/ human behavior.
The study of EI reminds me of a similar study in psychology known as Industrial/Organizational Psychology which focuses on improving the interaction between coworkers in the workplace on all levels. I am impressed to find out that the study of Emotional Intelligence is more complex and valid than the average person might think.
It's also enlightening to find the concepts that you could use to be successful in the workplace could prove to be just as useful in everyday life situations as well such as always following your first instincts (your gut), being kind and courteous to people around you, and developing attributes of a strong leader.

1 comment:

MookMik said...

I think the same as u about EI. It's have alot benefit to me also.